
Contact Medical Information

If you are a member of the public requiring advice or information on your own medical condition or treatment please contact your own doctor in the first instance. Our medical information service is intended to provide information on our products to Healthcare Professionals.

By email

When sending us an email, please provide us with:

  • Your name and title
  • Your role (e.g. doctor, nurse, pharmacist etc.)
  • Your work address (if you prefer the response by post)
  • Your telephone number (if you prefer a verbal response)
  • Takeda product that your inquiry is about
  • Detail of your inquiry
  • By when you need the response

These details will only be used to help answer your question, and will never be used for promotional purposes.

Please read our Website Privacy Policy before sending us any personal data via email.

Select the email address for your region

By phone

If phone is not available in your country, please use email.

Select your country